Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Confusion of the day

Ahhhh... I'm breathing (: I just noticed something. I've not been exercising ): Which is a really bad thing. Haha! No wonder i look fatter now a days. Should go jogging soon. Anyone wanna tag along? Heh..

Many australian friends coming back soon. It sounds fun! Well, mostly they'll bring back Chocolates, Chewy gummy, snacks and lots more. I've one aussie friend back here already. Can't wait to meet him. Well, i've never seen him in person neither did i hear his voice before. My brother's coming back soon too (: Now he gets to share the naggings and scolding with me. But mostly, i'll get slam dunk!

December, december. Time seriously flies man! I've a busy year coming ahead. Well, it's not for me to worry about it yet. Pmr results comes first. Heh.. So, today's lesson is paaadddaabuuuzzz?! Alright, my french suck so yeah. It was seriously a very confusing lesson today. All the left, right, front and back. Turning and end up slapping each other hands and faces. Scary moment. But well, i guess it did help me to work on my laughing and crying cause it was too funny!

Ahhhh, i really miss these girls!

*Christmas countdown - 22 Days left to Christmas

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