Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mixture of the day!

I'm laughing out loud right now although i'm really exhausted. Guesss whaattt?! Today, we had cheer practice but it was raining so we wasted like 2 and a half freaking hours. We did something but nothing much. Could have studied. So, for the last 45 minutes, we went to play the catching game at the basketball court since it stopped raining already. We were suppose to follow the line and walk, not allowed to turn back while walking unless you reach a 90 degree point.

Rueben became the first catcher and so.... Since it was raining just now, the basketball court is wet and is flooded with water. Then rueben suggested to play bare footed. He also warned us that the algae part will be very slippary.

Felicia ( a really smart in studies girl, but doesn't really have a set of common sense, sorry if i'm being mean, it's the fact ) Rueben caught her and she was suppose to catch us. She was pretty excited to be the catcher and said ' I'M COMINGGGGG!!!' and suddenly you see her sliding down the floor. Imagine slow motion, from leg slip to butt to back to head! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!!!!! Sorry, i can't stand not laughing. It's too funny!

Pow and i starred at each other and burst out laughing when she's still lying down on the wet floor full with algae. Try imagining. She saying, i'm coming and suddenly fall flat on the floor. We couldn't stop laughing so we laughed and walked towards her. She slowly get up and say, 'OUCH! MY HEAD DAMN PAIN!' That's damn lame! She stone on the floor sooooo long then only say ouch... This is not the end of it.

She then took a rest so rueben took over the place again. When she came back and play again, we fell again, on her butt. This time she's not the catcher. But all of us laughed. It was seriously seriously damn funnyyy! Fall non - stop. Falling is like her talent for now...

My brother just left for Melbourne... He came back for holidays so yeah. I was suppose to be jumping off my bed yelling for 'FREEDOM!!!!' But, i was rather sad, being all alone again, it's nice but boring at times. Gotta get use to it again. When he's back, he keeps irritating me that's what i hate but in the end, he's my brother so yeah... Back to the only child at home. Kinda miss him now, i don't know why but yeah. Hated him when he's here but misses him when's he's gone...

Me and my mom :)

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